BACKGROUND: As the Chief Communications Officer at the Salk Institute during the COVID-19 pandemic, I served on the Institute’s crisis management team and coordinated all aspects of internal and external communications. In my role, I directed the development and production of all internal and external communications for various audiences, including employees, contractors, stakeholders, donors, and visitors. Below are examples of crisis communications materials developed in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
COVID-19 Crisis Communications Collateral
COVID-19 Guidebook
A comprehensive reference manual for Salk employees covering all health and safety guidelines, policies, procedures, etc., surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic. The guidebook was compiled, written, edited, and published in print and digitally by the Salk communications office.
COVID-19 Dashboard
Graphic health and safety dashboard with key COVID-19 metrics updated weekly and located on Salk’s internal intranet for employees.
Below is the initial letter I authored for our President and CEO, Rusty Gage that was sent to Salk donors and stakeholders on the Institute’s initial response to the emerging COVID-19 pandemic.
One-Page COVID-19 Policies Summary
A one-page flyer detailing Salk’s emergency COVID-19 health and safety guidelines.
Weekly COVID-19 Updates
Over an 18 month period, I drafted Salk’s weekly COVID-19 Update for Martin Hetzer, chair of Salk’s COVID-19 Crisis Committee, Chief Science Officer, Senior Vice President. The weekly email became the central communication providing updates on the pandemic and was viewed as an instrumental communication that provided critical health and safety information but also helped engage and motivate employees through the difficult challenges of the changing pandemic. Below are a few examples.
Mask Safety Flyer
A detailed flyer providing instructions covering the use and care of face masks to prevent the transmission of the COVID-19 virus.
Salk Branded Masks
Following the CDC’s recommendation for everyone to wear a mask, we resourced, designed, produced, and distributed masks with custom Salk designs. The masks were distributed to employees and packaged and mailed to donors. The goal was to send a message of support for the scientific evidence for the use of masks to help prevent the transmission of the SARS-CoV-2 virus.
Below is an article published on the Salk intranet, Salkland, on the topic of COVID-19 vaccines, including the distribution process and timing for access.
Quarterly, the executive leadership team of the Salk Institute would brief employees via Zoom on the status of the Institute’s ongoing COVID-19 response, answer questions, etc. The Communications Office handled all aspects of the event, from scripting each presenter, developing the visual slides, and facilitating the AV/Tech for the presentations, to fielding questions and following up with staff on specific answers. Below is a slide deck representing one of the events.